Ferrous Wroughtnauts are hostile boss mobs that can we fought in Ferrous Wroughtnaut Villages. They have 220 (❤️ × 110) Health points.
In a Ferrous Wroughtnaut Village, Ferrous Wroughtnauts are needed to spawn in there.
On death, Ferrous Wroughtnauts will drop Wrought Helms and a Axe of a Thousand Metals.
Ferrous Wroughtnauts will also attack Villagers.
Idle: File:Ferrous Wroughtnaut Idle.ogg
Attack: File:Ferrous Wroughtnaut Attack.ogg
Death: File:Ferrous Wroughtnaut Death.ogg
Hurt: File:Ferrous Wroughtnaut Hurt.ogg
Step: File:Ferrous Wroughtnaut Step.ogg
Axe of a Thousand Metals[]
The Axe of a Thousand Metals is a weapon when Ferrous Wroughtnaut attack damage.
Wrought Helm[]
The Wrought Helm is a armor that can be worn by Ferrous Wroughtnauts.